Repara y Nutre...
Aspecto más natural... El lifting de pestañas ayuda a realzar la belleza natural de tus pestañas, dándoles un aspecto más largo y curvado de forma natural.
El lifting de pestañas es apto para personas con pestañas cortas, rectas o con poco volumen, ya que ayuda a mejorar su apariencia de forma natural.
Training Kits
We have two training kits, which include both the itemized material and its online training through our training platform. .
If you need face-to-face training, you should consult your distributor
Close your eyes and let yourself go...
Our new treatment includes both hydrolyzed collagen, which is key to eyelash growth and keeping them shiny, as well as hydrolyzed keratin, which repairs and nourishes hair naturally, achieving stronger, thicker and healthier eyelashes..